Namespaces | Classes
rclcpp Namespace Reference


namespace  detail


struct  adapt_type
 Template metafunction that can make the type being adapted explicit. More...
struct  ImplicitTypeAdapter
 Implicit type adapter used as a short hand way to create something with just the custom type. More...
struct  is_type_adapter
 Helper template to determine if a type is a TypeAdapter, false specialization. More...
struct  is_type_adapter< TypeAdapter< Ts... > >
 Helper template to determine if a type is a TypeAdapter, true specialization. More...
struct  TypeAdapter
 Template structure used to adapt custom, user-defined types to ROS types. More...
struct  TypeAdapter< image_tools::ROSCvMatContainer, sensor_msgs::msg::Image >
struct  TypeAdapter< T, void, std::enable_if_t< ImplicitTypeAdapter< T >::is_specialized::value > >
 Specialization of TypeAdapter for ImplicitTypeAdapter. More...
struct  TypeAdapter< T, void, std::enable_if_t< is_type_adapter< T >::value > >
 Identity specialization for TypeAdapter. More...