This is the complete list of members for smacc2::ControllableLed, including all inherited members.
ChangeColor(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const ignition::math::Color &_color, const int _index) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ChangeColor(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const ignition::math::Color &_color) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ChangeDuration(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const double _duration, const int _index) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ChangeDuration(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const double _duration) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ChangeInterval(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const double _interval, const int _index) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ChangeInterval(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName, const double _interval) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
cmdledsubscription | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | private |
ControllableLed() | smacc2::ControllableLed | inline |
CreateSetting(const sdf::ElementPtr &_sdf, const gazebo::physics::ModelPtr &_model, const gazebo::common::Time &_currentTime, gazebo_ros::Node::SharedPtr node) | smacc2::LedPlugin | protectedvirtual |
dataPtr | smacc2::LedPlugin | private |
FlashLightPlugin() | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | |
InitSettingBySpecificData(std::shared_ptr< FlashLightSetting > &_setting) | smacc2::LedPlugin | protectedvirtual |
LedPlugin() | smacc2::LedPlugin | |
LightCmd(const std_msgs::msg::Int8::SharedPtr msg) | smacc2::ControllableLed | inline |
Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override | smacc2::ControllableLed | inline |
OnCommand(ConstIntPtr &_msg) | smacc2::ControllableLed | inline |
OnUpdate() | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
ros_node_ | smacc2::ControllableLed | |
subscription_ | smacc2::ControllableLed | |
TurnOff(const std::string &_lightName) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
TurnOff(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
TurnOffAll() final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
TurnOn(const std::string &_lightName) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
TurnOn(const std::string &_lightName, const std::string &_linkName) final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
TurnOnAll() final | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | protectedvirtual |
~FlashLightPlugin() | smacc2::FlashLightPlugin | virtual |
~LedPlugin() | smacc2::LedPlugin | virtual |